Latheefa Koya
COMMENT | Unconstitutional FT Mufti Bill must be withdrawn
Bill gives unelected officials unfettered powers over the lives of Muslims.
Latheefa Koya
5 months ago
Inaction over child marriage giving paedophiles licence to groom
LETTER | Dithering in Gua Musang case sends signal to paedophiles that they can get away with their crimes.
Latheefa Koya
7 years ago
LFL: Abhorrent act of publicly caning two women for lesbian act is unacceptable and unIslamic
LETTER | This thirst for punishment is affecting Islam more negatively and is a disservice to the religion.
Latheefa Koya
7 years ago
DPM's catastrophic handling of child bride case
LETTER | Wan Azizah's interview raises serious questions as to whether she is really committed to ending child marriages in M'sia.
Latheefa Koya
7 years ago
As Merdeka Day nears, death of navy cadet remains unanswered
COMMENT | J Soosaimanicckam’s grieving family still wonders why their patriotic son died so pointlessly.
Latheefa Koya
7 years ago
Child marriage case – enough excuses from DPM
COMMENT | The pervert and paedophile, in this case, must be immediately arrested and charged in court.
Latheefa Koya
7 years ago
Why didn’t Najib ask his 'friend' Trump about Muslim ban?
It is surprising that he is so proud of his friendship with the most Islamophobic president in US history?
Latheefa Koya
8 years ago
Concerted effort to portray PKR as problem-riddled
Latheefa Koya
15 years ago
Khairy, who do you think you are?
Latheefa Koya
17 years ago
A court within a camp
Welcome to Semenyih, where the other side of Visit Malaysia Year 2007 resides. It is Malaysia's answer to Auschwitz and Shatilla, minus the chambers and the Israeli guns.
Latheefa Koya
18 years ago
Pilihanraya PKR - kempen dasar perkauman dilarang
Latheefa Koya
20 years ago
Remember Anwar, Khairy
Latheefa Koya
21 years ago
Keadilan Youth decision made collectively
Latheefa Koya
21 years ago
Not in the name of the Bar
Latheefa Koya
22 years ago
Umno youth just as callous
Latheefa Koya
23 years ago
Crucial period next 16 months
Latheefa Koya
23 years ago
Deep-rooted propaganda against Islam
Latheefa Koya
24 years ago
Bar Council being regressive
Latheefa Koya
24 years ago
US imperialism makes strange bedfellows
Latheefa Koya
24 years ago