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Concerted effort to portray PKR as problem-riddled

I refer to the Malaysiakini reports Sabah chief throws ‘tantrums’ at PKR meet and PKR sec-gen denies quit rumours .

I wish to bring to your attention to this couple of Malaysiakini news pieces that of late have placed PKR in undeserved bad light due to alleged accounts of in-fighting and dissensions within the party that have depended largely on unnamed so called ‘insider sources/accounts.’

I have already clarified the first report above with a press statement; and now the second report (Oct 27) which had several hours earlier appeared in a more scandalous form but has since been amended.

As far as the party leadership is concerned, it has not received any resignation letter and Salehuddin Hashim remains PKR’s secretary-general. But the damage has been done: another report on in-fighting and dissensions in PKR.

It would be interesting if Malaysiakini could confront these ‘sources’ and demand for a copy of the ‘strongly-worded letter of resignation.’


While it is not in PKR’s place nor is it desirable for a political party to influence editorial policies of an independent news organisation like Malaysiakini , I found these pieces have been far too reliant on unnamed ‘insider sources/accounts’ that have exaggerated or told half-truths or simply lies of particular party affairs.

While I do not doubt that there are ‘insider sources’ that for whatever devious plans and motives have been leaking out such information to Malaysiakini , I would request that you take more care and consideration in basing reports on these unnamed ‘insider sources/accounts’; press for them to be named if they want to be taken seriously; and to scrupulously verify from other sources who have no qualms to be named.

There now seems to be a concerted campaign to portray PKR as a party mired in deep internal trouble and I hope Malaysiakini which has been the leading new media over the last decade can exercise better journalism and avoid being manipulated towards that end.

The writer is information chief, PKR.

Editor’s Note: Malaysiakini would like to state that we stand by the accuracy of the report referred to above and emphasise that while certain reports may quote unnamed parties, all efforts have been undertaken to ascertain the veracity of their quotes in keeping with professional guidelines.

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