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I refer to Malaysiakini's report: Khairy wants Bersih rally stopped .

Shame on you, Khairy! For someone who is not accountable to the rakyat - lest you forget you are neither a minister nor a member of parliament - merely the son-in-law of the prime minister as well as the Youth deputy chief of one the most obsolete, racist, corrupt party in the world, you have no right to stop anyone from expressing their real and legitimate concerns on the future of this country.

For someone who himself had gone to the streets in obvious pretense that he cared (see for example, the Burma, Palestine issues) - how dare you ask the police to clamp down on Bersih's Nov 10 rally. Who do you think you are?

Your obnoxious behaviour, your arrogance and utter contempt for democratic rights have given me a scary glimpse of what the future holds for this country if Umno continues to hold on to power. Shame on you!

The rally will go on InsyaAllah .

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