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I refer to the debate on Khairy Jamaluddin, son-in-law of the prime minister, being possibly appointed chief operating officer of Khazanah Berhad.

Well, it's clear that we have a new generation of players in the world of politics, nepotism and cronyism.

Khairy, I would say, is fast becoming one such player. He has got the 'right' sort of people to be his mercenary writers, spewing praises about him. If you care to note, almost all the writers go on the basis of giving him a chance at Khazanah.

Is that really the point? The point should be whether anyone can justify nepotism regardless of their qualifications.

I personally feel it is a cheap shot to get NCWO (National Council of Women's Organisations) to write in declaring their so-called support.


Furthermore, with the prime minister almost daily coming out with slogan after slogan about transparency, clean governance etc. surely it would be best reflected through his appointments?

'Work with me, not for me' is a classic slogan but perhaps it was not meant for Khairy.

Syabas, Khairy! You have worked your way up - in fact you might have used the elevator. Just be careful - remember what has happened to Anwar Ibrahim.

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