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US imperialism makes strange bedfellows

The letter entitled 'Malaysia must emulate Cuba' (May 12) by Devaraj, looks like it is coming from one strict scientific Marxist. I don't know, but I am getting increasingly sick of all these so-called marxist rationalists. Is an enemy of my enemy my friend? This seems to be the case in the context of China for some of the so-called Marxists.

Is free-market system the only reason for the downfall of a country or the cause of problems like AIDS, prostitution, drug addiction, homeless women and children, starving elderly citizens and unemployed youths?

What about corruption of power and money, lack of morality in governance and things like that?

Whilst I too agree that we should not tolerate US imperialism, that does not mean, I would join hands with another bunch of regimes just because they are non-Western and also supposed to be practising Marxism. What about the blood in their hands - how would one explain away Tianamen Square and the Tibetan people's struggle?

What about Mahathir's own capitalist practice within the country?

And lastly, pray tell what does a secular and scientific government mean in the context of Malaysia where we have a multiethnic society and multi-religious character? To which value system must one adhere to?

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