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COMMENT | Trees for carbon capture: Fact or myth?
COMMENT | Permaculturist Geoff Lawton‘s famous quote ‘‘all the world’s problems can be solved in a garden’’ is no stranger to plant lovers around the world.

Want to ward off pesky flies? Grow some lemongrass and eucalyptus!

I have a friend who even enjoys watching carnivorous plants like venus flytraps capturing and digesting flies and other insects that come near. It’s therapeutic for her!


Having a stomach ache? Give thyme a try. The aromatic herb is also good to be used in cooking to boost flavour naturally.

To create a pleasing environment, you can even mix and match some ornamental plants with different hues and textures for a beautiful landscape at your home. Irrespective of them being edible or aesthetic, plants are used in all sorts of ways.

Their sheer existence also...

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