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LETTER | MOH should probe excessive medical bills

LETTER | We believe that the charges for a complication-free hernia surgery are excessively high, and the Health Ministry should investigate this issue.

Patients have reported that private hospitals often charge more than expected, with some alleging that unrelated tests were conducted and added to their bill, leading to their insurance claims being rejected.

While the ministry does not directly control prices, it does provide guidelines, such as those in the Malaysian Medical Association's Fee Schedule, which suggests recommended fees for various medical services.

However, these are guidelines rather than mandates, and private facilities may charge more based on their operational costs, the complexity of services, and other factors.

To efficiently address complaints without overwhelming existing resources, the Health Ministry could consider establishing an independent body of professionals to investigate such cases.


Currently, these matters are managed by the Medical Practice Division, but an independent entity could enhance transparency and public trust.

MOHIDEEN ABDUL KADER is the Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) president.

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