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LETTER | Price tagging laws must be enforced

LETTER | The Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) urges the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry to enforce the Price Control Act 1946 Amendment 1973, Section 8(1), which mandates traders to display price tags on goods intended for sale.

CAP conducted a survey across Penang Island, revealing widespread non-compliance with this requirement among various types of vendors including food stalls, wet markets, night markets, restaurants, and sundry shops.

The primary offenders identified were stalls selling food and drinks without any visible price indication. Following closely were restaurants that either did not update their prices or provided misleading information to consumers.

This lack of transparent pricing often results in consumers being overcharged, as they have no documented price list to refer to when disputing their bills.

Furthermore, the recent increase in diesel prices could potentially lead to higher food costs, making it even more crucial for consumers to be informed about prices upfront. Under the Price Control Act, it is the responsibility of sellers to ensure buyers are informed about prices, but enforcement has been inadequate, undermining the effectiveness of the law.


Therefore, we call on the ministry to take stringent action in accordance with Section 8(1) of the Price Control Act 1946 Amendment 1973. We urge strict enforcement and the prosecution of all offenders to safeguard consumer rights and ensure fair trading practices.

MOHIDEEN ABDUL KADER is president of the Consumers Association of Penang.

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