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“Only sometimes you can’t feel anything about a subject without hypothesising its extinction.”

- American novelist Richard Ford

COMMENT | The green wave overshadows whatever feel-good messaging the state comes up with every year for Merdeka.


Once a year, the political class attempts to project an image of inclusivity in what is supposed to be our independence from colonial rule.

This year, Perikatan National looms large. It has had a good year. They have leaders who are willing to slay Malay sacred cows. They have used social media to their advantage. They have demonstrated that as a political bloc, they are immune from the sanctions of the state.


They have made this unity government look like a bunch of incompetent autocrats and they have done all of this, while their leaders and various bank accounts have been under siege by the state.

But more importantly, they have torn away the last vestiges that Malaysia is a secular and multi ethnic state.

This administration is...

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