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COMMENT | Resetting Malaysia – people’s power for a working democracy
COMMENT | ‘Victory begets victory’ is an English expression that is widely used, yet little understood.

In the conviction of Rosmah Mansor, the wife of the already convicted and jailed Najib Abdul Razak, who was the sixth prime minister of Malaysia, the Malaysian judiciary is beginning to show that big wigs in the upper stratosphere of Malaysian politics can and do fall.

But how did this process begin? It started from the constant clamour for “Reforms” or “Reformasi”, which finally culminated in the People’s Power of May 9, 2018, where the 61-year reign of Umno/BN was finally snapped into two.


Although the “Sheraton Move” was a big setback between Feb 23 and Feb 29, 2020, that led to the reins of power going back to the newly-formed coalition that included Umno on March 1, 2020, the legal prosecution of most of the corruption cases continued, with the exception of several discharges not amounting to acquittals (DNAA). 

It was the latter that had Malaysians and the world worried that the kleptocrats would get away. They are still trying, which is why the guilty verdict pronounced on Rosmah Mansor yesterday is important in every sense of the word...

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