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Muslim-only laundrette – a bad idea whose time has come

“Moderates always seem to deal in hopes rather than in facts.”

― Ken Follett, ‘Fall of Giants’

COMMENT | Apparently, this self-service laundrette in Muar, Johor has become a Muslim-only ‘paradise’ where pious Muslims do not have to worry about contamination from their fellow non-Muslim citizens. Johor mufti Mohd Tahrir Samsudi thinks that this should not turn into an “issue” because it only encourages “negative perception from non-Muslims towards Muslims.”

Who would have known when washing clothes in self-service laundrettes, some Muslims are “doubtful” if their clothes would be ‘stained’ by the unclean elements from non-Muslims and their “haram” lifestyles? In other words, this mufti endorses this Muslim-only self-service laundrette because some Muslims are worried that their clothes would ‘tainted’ by the haram clothes of non-Muslims, and he is warning folks not to have a negative perception of Muslims?

You know what would make non-Muslims not have a negative perception of Muslims? If mainstream Muslim politicians and activists came out and said that the owners of this self-service laundrette was incorrect and encourage Muslims not to patronise this place. Better yet, enact anti-discrimination laws that would ensure that it is wrong to discriminate based on religion, race or gender. This is what would create a positive perception of Muslims to non-Muslims.

Can you imagine if a Christian business owner putting out a sign which said he wants Christian-only patrons? Can you imagine the storm that would have created? We live in a country where the progressive forces - the progressive forces, mind you - make allowance for bigotry and racism, and we wonder why we are in the hole we are in.

I am sick and tired of well-meaning kook jobs asking us to find the middle ground. There can be no middle ground when it comes to certain people. In addition, when those people are supported by the state in their religious preoccupations, the idea that the average Joe Rakyat has to make compromises and learn to co-exist is complete horse manure.

Every time the aggrieved cottage industry of Muslim provocateurs flexes its muscles, we are told that this is a multi-racial and religious country but it is always incumbent on the non-Muslim – the other – to find a way to live peacefully while our public and private spaces are invaded by mendacious bigots, who claim that non-Muslims are unclean and are a detriment to their way of life.

When discussing this issue with a group of friends, a Muslim colleague suggested that this was no different from non-halal eateries. Say what, now? Look, nobody is placing dietary restrictions on Muslims. Non-halal eateries are not discriminating against Muslims, they are informing Muslims that their food is non-halal and it is up to them to decide if they want to consume it or not. What is the world in Malaysia coming to when such basic concepts are not understood?

I have seen adverts where “(insert ethnicity here) preferred” for house and roommates. I have seen how we treat people from the African continent. I have seen the way how marginalised ethnic groups are vilified by opposition supporters. Even here in the comment section of Malaysiakini, there is enough bigotry and racism that would put a smile on the face of any KKK grand wizard.

So this idea that we are really nice people deep down inside is complete horse manure.

However, when it comes to religion, we should be especially mindful. What this self-service establishment is doing is normalising Islamic extremism. This is far more damaging because incidents like this in a country with a compromised ruling coalition has the potential to become institutionalised...

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