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YOURSAY | Saifuddin should have spoken out on addendum earlier

YOURSAY | ‘Why wait until it goes to court?’

Royal addendum for Najib's house arrest not sent to Prison Dept: Saifuddin

Safefail: If the home minister and attorney-general had categorically stated this way from the beginning that there was never an addendum or house arrest matter in Agong's letter, the Court of Appeal could have reached a different verdict.

If former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak could present the Pahang ruler's two-day-old letter as proof, why can't the attorney-general just present the letter signed by the Agong in early 2024 to prove the non-existence of the addendum?

Why were they keeping silent about this all this while? Even an acquiescence (to call it a hearsay) can be taken to mean consent or validation.

Koel: Now he talks! Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, if this was the case, why have you kept silent for so long? Your stupidity in not responding immediately to such issues is going to cost you.

Why wait until it goes to court? Your silence, idiocy and incompetence have led to crowds coming out in the streets demanding this felon's release.

You are to blame. Poor communication, weak responses and plain cowardice.

FitnessPro: We all know that Saifuddin is a highly ineffective home minister. This is such an important piece of document and he has no idea.

When this matter first surfaced, he should have immediately done his research. Now, because of his irresponsibility, it made the entire Pakatan Harapan-led government look so stupid.

This is really on him. However, we are all wondering where the original addendum is.

Falcon: Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has done an excellent job explaining the facts herein!

He reinforced this as he responded to media questions.

Two matters, two instructions - period! They cannot enforce what was not presented!

Only those undermining the current administration and wanting to destroy the various judicial and other institutions would now continue to flog the matter!

We are on a dangerous course if these political adventurers are allowed to continue distorting facts!

Drkam: If this is true, how challenging could it be to carry out a forensic audit on the matter?

You may fool some people some of the time and all people some of the time, but you cannot fool everyone all the time.

If no such provision existed in 2024 following the reduced sentencing and repayment to the government, this new addendum appears to be an attempt to extend the previous concession.

The government, particularly the Home Ministry, must take firm and decisive action against those who provided false or misleading information on this issue.

Blue Lights: So, the then-Agong's decision to commute Najib’s sentence by reducing his jail sentence from 12 years to six years, and reducing the fine from RM210 million to RM50 million were the only two issues raised at the Pardons Board and minuted.

So, the addendum did not exist then. What more is needed?

Turnedback: Why should our government and judges compromise on the house arrest of corrupt crooks, when our country does not provide any existing laws to cater for the need?

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and the home minister must be very firm in declaring that house arrest is not legalised in our constitutional law.

If Umno were to threaten to pull out from this unity government, let it be. The people are willing to let go of a government that allows a world kleptocrat to house arrest.

BlueKiwi0098: What a country we live in. People from other countries will laugh at us. The home minister has clearly said there was no addendum sent to them.

What a waste of court time. I just wonder how we can wipe out corruption and also teach the young generation to be clean and not corrupt. This is now impossible!

A very sad day.

Outlier: The crux of the problem is that the process and powers are unclear. Does the Agong have the power to grant pardons unilaterally outside the ambit of the Pardons Board?

Or must all pardons be done via the Pardons Board?

The Agong may think that he has the ultimate authority to grant the pardon either way if Saifuddin is telling the truth.

And that’s a big if as all we heard so far are lies, lies and lies, so no one is sure what to believe.

The only truth is that Najib was found guilty by all the courts for stealing big time from the country and is getting off lightly even without admitting his guilt. So, if that qualifies for a pardon, I guess the Pardon Board will soon be flooded with thousands of requests for lesser crimes.

MarioT: The home minister has clarified the issue of the addendum. Thus, prolonging the issue in court is a waste of time and money.

It should be left to the Pardons Board to decide. Mysterious addendum.

Fair Play: Perhaps this is the saddest affair with government machinery. The left-hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

The biggest question is this. Why did the home minister only clarify the matter now?

Penanglang: The Pardons Board is not stupid to issue a house arrest order, knowing fully well it has yet to be legalised.

Mgpowl: Why did it take this long to make a legitimate claim that the Home Ministry and the Prisons Department never received the addendum?

True, how to enforce a letter they never received? They are in the clear but not the PM for creating unnecessary instability by not doing his job.

Step down or call for snap elections.

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