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YOURSAY | Much ado over what is appropriate to wear

YOURSAY | ‘Why the fuss over a shirt when he is decently dressed?’

PM rebukes home minister over dress code blunder

Methink: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Hulu Terengganu MP Rosol Wahid should be reprimanded instead for not sticking up for national pride and sustainability.

Batik should be worn daily.

Why are we aping what they wear in the West when it is unsuited to our climate and needs Arctic-level temperature air conditioning to allow comfort?


Batik is our national identity and is environmentally friendly because the air-con temperature can be increased and batik material can be sourced locally.

Or perhaps MPs have too much pay and allowances to become clothes horses for Western fashion and can afford to prance around with their woollen suits and Armani ties.

Time to reduce MPs’ pay and allowances and turn up that air conditioning for the environment and sustainability.


Stand For Truth: if politicians want to limit our future generation to studying all subjects in Bahasa Malaysia only, should not our politicians be proud to wear batik and sarong to Parliament?

Why Western-style formal suits? Sarong and batik are very traditional!

WargaMasBiasa: Why the fuss over a shirt when he is decently dressed?

Just look at our parliamentary brethren south of our border in that first-world country - just plain shirts and pants in Parliament.

We have many more important issues to address.

YellowCondor6925: If Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail can’t even understand a simple rule, how is he managing a cabinet position?

Only god knows! He should have been kicked out long ago or given a deputy minister post if Anwar wanted him around.

We don’t see any positive contribution from this minister. No wonder he cannot win any posts, whether it is a party or general election.


Apanama is back: Coming through a backdoor, sometimes a person may forget how to dress appropriately for Parliament sitting.

This gentleman is the home minister, who is clueless even about how he is supposed to dress.

No wonder yesterday he mentioned something about custodial deaths and no one took it seriously.

BlueBison5210: Why did the security guards let him in?

I thought the security guards in all government agencies have the highest power, authority and say when it comes to dress codes.

Anon25: I think a shirt, tie and jacket are respectful attires for this august chamber.

The Parliament session is a solemn meeting to enact the laws of the country. Become informal and MPs will behave like hooligans.

Vent: Frankly, this is silly. Fussing over an arbitrary dress code.

This tells you the state of the nation when a prime minister wades into the matter but remains mute over a litany of other pressing issues!

Jacksw: Our taxes are wasted on ministers bringing up small matters in Parliament.

Heavily criticised national Olympic attire changes its stripes

Southpaw: Still the same “stripes” design over and over again for our athletes. Don’t we have any worthy designers capable of coming up with a more modern design?

MyMY @ Southpaw: That’s right. Year in and year out it is the same thing.

The theme is harimau (tiger) but performance-wise, it is far from this creature. Some abstract colourful design would be a nice change.

OBSERVER from Space: Why couldn’t we have had a design competition among the leading design academies in Malaysia vie for the winning design?

The Youth and Sports Ministry knew the dates and participation approvals much earlier.

Would it not be better if our young talented citizens were allowed to participate, and share in the celebrations and pride of our team?

GraySinga4663: Such a disgrace, especially considering other countries have put in some effort to show stunning designs with varying wow factors.

How can we fall so far short? What does Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh have to say about this?

FellowMalaysian: Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) president Mohamad Norza Zakaria is hanging on to his position hoping for a piece of glory in the Paris Olympics later this month just in case we are finally blessed with a gold medal.

He has failed miserably in his many years in the National Sports Council and later OCM with nothing to show. But he has ruffled some feathers too during both his stints.

Zaheed: The German national football team’s jersey has always been plain black and white yet they perform very well internationally.

Methink: Wow, since it is so striking, maybe the uniform alone will strike fear into other athletes competing at the Olympics.

We now have a better chance of winning a gold medal in badminton.

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