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Sivagangga cluster sees 12 new infections, including 10 in Perlis
Published:  Aug 7, 2020 5:47 PM
Updated: 10:16 AM

CORONAVIRUS | There are 25 new cases of Covid-19 in the country, 12 of which are linked to the Sivagangga cluster.

This includes 10 new infections in Perlis, one in Kedah, and one in Penang.

All 10 cases in Perlis today are relatives of "Patient 9,054" who also lives in the state and was a customer at the nasi kandar restaurant where the outbreak began.

The infection in Penang is the state's first case since April 26.

Overall, the Sivagangga cluster now has 43 cases in total, with 883 people who have been screened and are waiting for results.


Meanwhile, there were also two cases in Perak which presented with influenza-like illness, and one case in Kuala Lumpur from screening, making it 15 local Malaysian infections overall, today.

There was only was non-citizen case, an undocumented migrant detainee in Johor.

Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said in a statement that nine other infections reported today were imported cases.

No new deaths were reported but two patients remain in intensive care.

There were also 15 recoveries today, with the total number of active cases at 210.

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