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Fishermen lauds gov't's Prihatin special allocation

The special allocation of between RM100,000 and RM200,000 under the Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package for fishermen associations can help members get through the movement control order (MCO) and the Covid-19 outbreak.

Sarawak Fishermen Association (Penesa) chairperson Jam Hajimi said this as many of the fishermen are finding it tough to earn a living as they could not go out to the sea.

“Although the fishermen are now allowed to go to the sea to catch fish, but they are some who are not able to do so because their boats or equipment are damaged.

“We are grateful to PNK (Area Fishermen Association) which will buy the catch brought in by fishermen and this is of great help because we (fishermen) no longer have to worry about not being able to sell our catch,” said Jam, who is also Muara Tebas PNK chairperson.

It is learnt that the Malaysian Fisheries Development Board (LKIM) has disbursed RM10,000 to PNK to buy the marine catch brought in by fishermen.


Besides PNK, the Penesa Fresh Mart, which is under the supervision of LKIM, is also buying the marine catch brought in by fishermen and then selling them online during the MCO period.

According to Penesa Fresh Mart manager Sufri Ahmad, images of the fish and other marine catch are uploaded on the shop’s Facebook page and customers can make their order through WhatsApp.


“Payment can be made online and they (customers) can also pay cash at the shop when they come to collect their purchase the following day. This will reduce their time to queue at the shop,” he added. - Bernama

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