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Merdeka Day - reflecting on Malaysia, past and present

COMMENT | As the 62nd anniversary of Merdeka is upon the nation, some reflection on its past will not be remiss.

History repeats itself and nowhere is this more evident than in Malaysia. Worse things have happened to this unique multiracial country which remains vulnerable to betrayals, extremism and political upheavals.

Learning from history helps people avoid repeating past mistakes, especially those foisted upon a nation by unprincipled leaders.

Former minister Zaid Ibrahim is commendable for honing in on the importance of 'core principles', not 'political pragmatism', which is a euphemism for promise-breaking and treachery.


Leaders either leave toxic legacies or success stories. They are only as potent as the support given to them by the people.

The big lesson to take away from the country’s history - which is itself one long series of political betrayals - is to never support a conniving and dishonest leader...

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