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Yoursay: Shameful exploitation by Umno’s Lokman of a young man’s death

YOURSAY | ‘Police must wake up and charge those who make false reports or abuse the system.’

Firefighter's death: Police reports to be filed against PM, AG

David Dass: Accusing the prime minister and the attorney-general of shielding the killers of firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim is serious business. There must be evidence to support such a serious charge.

If there is no basis for such a charge and the allegation is made for political purposes, it could be an offence. Why is the charge being made? What is the basis for such a charge?

A post-mortem was conducted to determine the cause of Adib’s death. And now there will be an inquest to consider the post-mortem and other evidence. Is there anything wrong with these steps?


Clearly, there are facts and issues to be considered before reaching a decision. None of these steps will serve to protect or shield the killers. In fact, these are essential steps when the circumstances warrant them.

All should stay calm and let the police, the doctors and the coroner do their work. Umno supreme council member Lokman Noor Adam should consult lawyers to better understand the process.

Ipohcrite: I never knew you had to marshall dozens of supporters and do a publicity march to a police station of your choice to file a police report. And in this case, it is a report of suspected criminal wrongdoing (nothing more than mere suspicion) against no less than the prime minister and attorney-general.

I hope after it's been established that there was no wrongdoing by the prime minister and attorney-general, then these political opportunists and rabble-rousers should be hauled up for lodging a false police report.

These days, police reports are frivolously lodged by all and sundry - a clear abuse of process - simply because there is no action taken against those filing false police reports.

Vijay47: I don’t know which is more despicable – Bersatu’s Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman proudly flaunting his total lack of integrity with his “by hook or by crook” call for abuse of public resources, or this shameful exploitation by Umno’s Lokman of a young man’s death.

Lokman’s hypocrisy is clear from his selective reason for sorrow when he disregards other deaths like six firefighters drowning, and instead focuses on Adib since it appears to offer him better political mileage.

In recent times, fanatics seem to have embarked on a new mission, where, at the drop of a songkok, they would make all manner of police reports.

Isn’t there some law against making false, vexatious or frivolous reports? Lokman, what happened to your demands for minister P Waythamoorthy’s head? Chicken got your tongue?

What I cannot understand is why Adib’s family chooses to remain quiet. One would have thought that they would be screaming at Lokman to leave their son or brother alone for them to mourn his memory silently in private.

Drngsc: I am not sure why Umno wishes to make a mountain out of this case. Adib died in the course of his duty. The government has taken a very serious view of this, initiating a full police investigation and also holding a coroner's inquest.


Surely the doctors treating him will know the cause of death and also the reason why. A truck collision injury is very different from an assault injury.

Looks like Lokman, who is not known for his intelligence, and Umno, which is not known for its fairness, only wish to make noise to try and score political brownie points with their base. Otherwise, they fear becoming irrelevant.

They completely forget that Adib, the good man, is dead and making use of a dead man for selfish reasons is wrong and pathetic (but we do not expect Lokman to understand that). He just wants to buat kacau (make mischief) only.

Anonymous 2465861491622056: It is time the police woke up and charged those who make false reports or abuse the system.

In Malaysia, political parties abuse the system and ask all their branches to make police reports, and the police go round investigating such nonsense rather than catching crooks and thieves.

Cogito Ergo Sum: This man is stoking the embers after the flames have been put out. The days of filing police reports to reignite an issue are over.

Lokman must be charged with being vexatious and frivolous in filing these reports aimed at causing mischief among the races. Let’s move on towards building this nation, rather than dragging it through the mud yet again.

Do we still need people with no integrity in politics?

Anonymous_1545592198: Well said. Thanks for this piece and Bersatu Youth chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman for standing up. There’s hope in the new Malaysia.

If Bersatu doesn’t get rid of those ex-Umno members, they will soon become like Umno. ‘

Mahathir will need to realise the only tolerance he should ever have towards corruption and cronyism is zero.

Hopefully, he learns this at the age of 93. He failed once as he tolerated what he claimed were low levels of corruption and cronyism amongst those he saw as capable - all of this failed and created former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and his gang.

Anonymous Malaysia2018: Thank you, Steve Oh, for your strong message on integrity. Without integrity, all the high-sounding, thundering words of so-called leaders will ring hollow.

Any fool can make strong speeches and appear holy in the eyes of the people, but what matters most is action.

Without action, all pronouncements of integrity will mean nothing. Voters can see the ugly heads of patronage, contracts, rent-seekers, deal-seekers, “ang pows” (red packets), and kopi money (bribes) appearing everywhere.

Pakatan Harapan must hold tight to the principles and reforms that they promised the voters and which they fought for over decades.

Leaders must shun shady deals and sweet talkers. If the evils that men and women did in the past are allowed to creep in, then history will repeat itself.

Beware wolves in sheep's clothing. They will corrupt the whole structure of Harapan.

The Wakandan: It is a no-brainer that credibility is necessary for politicians, especially when they are in power, ruling the country.

However, we cannot stop people from participating in politics. The rakyat can only reject them through the ballot box.

Bersatu vice-president Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman exemplifies the staunch Umno mentality which translates to an entitlement mentality. Sadly, he would not think that what he suggested was wrong, which was why he called it stupid for the ruling party not to make use of the power of incumbency, except in this case it was in the form of awarding fat contracts to its members. Rashid, a party vice-president, was condescending to Syed Saddiq, a much younger member than him.

Credit to Syed Saddiq for standing his ground and telling corrupt veteran members off. Syed Saddiq was out of my good books when he called for Waythamoorthy’s dismissal, because the action was tinged with racism, but if he should prove to be clean, then there is hope for our next generation’s leaders to do what is right.

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