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Azmin and Rafizi hug it out; PAS and Umno to join forces for anti-Icerd rally

KINI ROUNDUP | Here are the key headlines you may have missed yesterday, in brief.

Azmin and Rafizi hug it out

Bitter PKR rivals Azmin Ali and Rafizi Ramli hugged it out on stage at the urging of a delegate who wanted them to make peace.

 PKR president-elect Anwar Ibrahim said a committee will be formed to review the party's recently concluded election.

Outgoing PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was unanimously appointed as chair of the party's advisory council.

Wan Azizah made a tearful speech in her last address as president at the PKR congress.

PAS and Umno to join forces for anti-Icerd rally

PAS and Umno will join forces to protest against UN's Icerd treaty in Kuala Lumpur on Dec 8.

 Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi made overtures to PAS for both parties to "merge".

Other Kinibites

Transport Minister Anthony Loke accused Dewan Negara president S Vigneswaran of flouting security protocol at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Vigneswaran said Loke had refused to hear his side of the story.

M Indira Gandhi made an emotional plea to Putrajaya and police to find her daughter Prasana Diksa.

Jho Low agreed to withdraw claims to the luxury Park Lane Hotel in New York to facilitate its sale to Abu Dhabi state fund Mubadala,

Dominic Lau is the new Gerakan president.

Looking ahead

PKR will announce the results of its party election on the last day of its congress in Shah Alam today.

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