Sarawakians, specifically the Dayak, Malays and other local bumiputera tribes must unite to defend their rights, said state PAS chief Jofri Jaraiee.
He warned that if Putrajaya ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd), it would result in the abolition of their rights.
“The definition and scope of Icerd are contrary to Article 153 of the Malaysian Constitution.
"Article 153 gives a special position to the Malays and bumiputera in Sabah and Sarawak in some cases, contrary to the scope of Icerd,” he added in a statement this afternoon.
Jofri said with their privileges waived, the bumiputera in Sarawak would remain behind other races.
“Icerd is not suitable to be implemented in Malaysia where people of all races and religions have been living in harmony and mutual respect for each other for a long time ago.
“Icerd has had a bad impact on indigenous people who are still lagging behind in terms of economy, land ownership and privileges that have long been enacted in the constitution.
“So Malaysians, especially the natives deserve to reject Icerd from being implemented in Malaysia,” he added.
Therefore, Jofri urged the Malaysian government and Sarawak government, in particular, to reject Icerd.
Yesterday, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang warned of a massive protest if the government ratified Icerd.
He said the Islamist party could easily mobilise "millions of protesters".