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Universities oblivious to nations needs

I wish to comment on the letter Extra help for graduates a discrimination . I have to disagree with the writer. There are nearly 80,000 graduates without feasible employment in Malaysia. This is a large number and must be addressed immediately.

To make matters worse, the unemployment is not spread evenly. In fact, certain jobs such as doctors, nurses and electronic engineers are actually short in supply. Obviously, local universities are like "ivory towers", churning out graduates in many irrelevant fields oblivious to the actual needs of the country.

It is easy for the writer to say that these graduates who are unable to get themselves into the "rat-race" should take up anything whether as a cleaner, waiter or general help. Easier said than done. Some of these jobs only pay RM350 - RM500 a month.

That is why only foreigners from countries like Indonesia etc, are willing to take them up because when converted to their local currency back home the amount can still be quite substantial.

And of course, please remember that Malaysian firms are not required to make EPF contributions for foreign workers proving that there are far worse and shameful forms of discrimination going on in our country.


The question is, should we expect graduates to be satisfied with RM450 a month? Many graduates, after spending six crappy years studying, just want to marry and settle down.

For Malay graduates (the bulk of the unemployed) this is not cheap especially with dowry (hantaran) figures ranging from RM5,000 to RM20,000 with another extra RM5,000 for the wedding ceremony.

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