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Add Rukunegara as preamble to Federal Constitution, says group

A group of civil society leaders have proposed the inclusion of the Rukunegara as a preamble to the Federal Constitution, to remedy Malaysia's current state of "slumber".

Prominent activist Dr Chandra Muzaffar told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur that many Malaysians today may be "sleepwalking" into dangerous situations,which strayed from universal principles drafted to unite all Malaysians post-1969 May 13 riots.

"I think we are 'sleepwalking' into a situation that can be very dangerous.

"When people are sleep walking, sometimes you don't know what you are doing... You just moved because of certain things and in the end, you have a different state of society," said Chandra who earlier launched the "Rukunegara sebagai Mukadimah Perlembagaan" (RMP) initiative at the Integrity Institute of Malaysia.

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