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Harapan to stage rallies to save Malaysia, abolish GST

Pakatan Harapan will stage two rallies on March 28 and April 2 with the twin objectives of removing Najib Abdul Razak as prime minister and abolishing the goods and services tax (GST).

PKR Youth wing Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) got the ball rolling when its members distributed leaflets on the rallies to the public in the vicinity of Masjid Negara in Kuala Lumpur after the Friday prayers today.

The leaflets urged the people to participate in the rallies – 'Save Malaysia Consensus' and 'Abolish GST'.

"This country is plagued with numerous problems. Now is the time for us to express our views,” said AMK chief Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad.

"All PKR top leaders will attend these two rallies," he added.

The Save Malaysia Consensus rally will be held at the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council field on March 28. The GST rally will be staged on April 2 at Dataran Merdeka.

According to Nik Nazmi, several Save Malaysia Consensus roadshows will be organised throughout the country.

"We will continue to distribute leaflets and conduct dialogues nationwide,” he said.

The AMK members then unfurled a long banner and chanted "Undur Najib" (Najib step down) after distributing the leaflets.

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