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The worry isn’t Malays losing power, it’s the economic abyss

YOURSAY | ‘We depend on one other, we are family, just that we pray differently.’

Harapan raps Najib for racial slants in speech

Kim Quek: It is completely false that if Umno loses the election, Malays and Islam would suffer under the new regime.

On the contrary, Pakatan Harapan, with its proven clean and efficient leadership, will enable Malays to enjoy higher standard of living through an upsurge of the national economy and elimination of rampant corruption; and Islam will continue to be honoured and protected as the religion of the federation, as solemnly pledged by the opposition alliance.

DAP can never dominate in Harapan, because it is contesting a quarter of the total parliamentary seats.

And Malays will certainly continue to control the country because both PKR and Amanah are Malay-dominant parties, and the entire government machinery including the armed forces, police, judiciary and civil service are completely controlled by Malays.

If I were a Malay, I wouldn’t worry about Malays losing power. On the other hand, I would be dead worried about the country plunging into an economic abyss, and our multiracial society disintegrating.

If a so-called sovereign wealth fund can be laden with RM50 billion debts with much of the money missing, and the prime minister can get away scot free with an unexplained RM2.6 billion in his personal account, where do you think such a country will be heading, if not to a failed state?

It takes courage and character to face up squarely to an unpleasant truth, but it is necessary to do so, if only it is for one’s own good.

To Umno members and supporters, you can have a quickie solution of momentary comfort by pretending the unpleasant things never happened, or you can have a long-term solution which is to remove the cancer.

Which solution will be more beneficial to you and your future generations?

CQ Muar: PM Najib Abdul Razak was clearly exploiting the sentiments of the Malay race and Islam at the opening of the Umno AGM on Thursday.

Targeting the opposition, particularly the DAP, Najib was stirring up irrelevant issues, which were racist in nature in order to cause fear and unease.

For a prime minister to evoke hatred and animosity was certainly grossly irresponsible, provocative and seditious.

Najib is aware of the plight and difficulty the rakyat is undergoing during this difficult time.

Aggravated and weighed down by many scandals involving the PM himself, Najib has now resorted to stirring up ill-feelings to divert their attention.

Unafraid: Only a leader who is bereft of ideas and is morally bankrupt would resort to playing the racial card. When a leader has to sink so low to achieve his ends, he has indeed reached the nadir of his character.

To think that our top leader who is supposed to lead all Malaysians do this 'kurang ajar' routine is absolutely nauseating, to say the least. We definitely need a radical change. Malaysians do not deserve such rubbish.

PS: Democracy has been ‘locked down’ by the powers-that-be and the system is not functioning.

I am out of the cocoon, being nearer to 70, but I’m perplexed that today we have not come close to having a Nelson Mandela or Aung San Suu Kyi in our midst, only self-propelling cynics playing politics.

The Analyser: PS, no, you are wrong. Democracy has been locked down by negligent Malaysians.

As is the usual case, you want to blame everything on Umno, whereas the real blame lies with Malaysian voters. All the polling booth skullduggery in the world cannot mask the fact that Malaysians themselves have kept Dr Mahathir Mohamad and subsequent regimes in power.

And while you keep on blaming Umno for everything, that's a very convenient excuse not to do anything for yourselves... which has been the problem all along.

Anonymous 2336601439051901: All of us have to accept that we are all Malaysians without regard for race and religion.

The future of Malaysia is for Malaysians, not for any race or religion, this is a fact. Malaysia will fail all the way if race and religion are the divide among Malaysians.

Looking back, if Malaysians here were only Malays and Muslims, would Malaysia have achieved success?

We Malaysians depend on one other, we are a family, just that we pray differently.

Clever Voter: This is not a surprise. After all, Umno said what they had to say. What they would do is a different proposition. This is politics.

If the opposition wants to win, they have to do more. Not everyone believes in Umno but they need to be convinced of an alternative. By the way, money helps.

Alfanso: Even if the opposition does not work, the ruling ones may take a little longer to disintegrate.

It is only if the opposition parties take the right steps towards the goal will they succeed. That’s my guess and I can't bring out the blueprint here.

Sound Mind: Need not worry at all. Today everyone is totally aware who are those playing the racial cards for their own survival, and at the expense of Malaysians.

Malaysians are wise enough. They will show that at the ballot box.

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