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PM: We're no racists, no 'bloody keris' at rally
Published:  Sep 20, 2015 11:57 PM
Updated: Sep 21, 2015 12:08 AM

Umno is not a racist party, and neither was Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu rally as there was no sight of “bloody keris”, said Umno president Najib Abdul Razak.

Najib, who is also prime minister, however, warned all against insulting Malays.

"During the rally, there were no posters to incite hatred of other races, no posters of bloody keris, and this means it was a rally to support the government," he was quoted by Bernama as saying at a Muar Umno event today.

Najib has been associated with the “bloody keris” after it was claimed he threatened "to bathe the keris in Chinese blood" at an Umno Youth rally in the lead up to Ops Lallang in 1987.

There has been no official account of the incident, however, and quarters within BN deny this ever happened.

Najib said Umno has “strongly upheld” the concept of power-sharing but other races need to also respect Umno or cause instability in the country.

"We have never played the race card but do not insult the Malays. Do not shred the pride of the Malays, but the Malays will always be fair to the non-Malays," he said.

'Umno members must keep fighting'

He also urged Umno members to keep their spirits up because “the strength of the party is the fighting spirit of members”.

"Umno was not born by the roadside, Umno was not born by the hillside but was founded at Johor Istana Besar in 1946," he said when opening Muar Umno building today.

Also present were Johor Menteri Besar Mohamed Khaled Nordin, Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron, Umno Information chief Ahmad Maslan and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department and Muar Umno division head Datuk Razali Ibrahim.

Najib said Umno's struggle had been a chequered one, giving the party great stature and honour.

He said the success of the people was a result of the party which never stopped working for the people and nation.

He said he had met many people who were successful in their careers and attributed their success to the efforts of the party and the present government.

"This is because this is Umno's struggle and because it was born in this palace which had served the nation," he said.

The Prime Minister said what was important was that the party and government want to take the people to a higher level and that is why the people must support it to realise the objective.

He said the results were from a sacred struggle which did not take the wrong route.

"Be a dredger which serves and not a sinking ship which will destroy everything," he said.

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