Najib has not lived up to Malaysia Day pledge
Kim Quek
: The lack of advance sight of the bill by MPs, and the unholy haste with which the readings of this obnoxious bill being pushed in Parliament, indicate that BN is determined to ram through this new law to muzzle the opposition ahead of the coming election.
There is no time to be lost to halt such a dastardly scheme against the people. Keeping in mind BN's stranglehold on the TV stations and newspapers, we must urgently start a campaign to tell the truth to the masses via alternative media - the Internet, handphones, CDs, ceramah, forums, etc - to rally public opinion behind us.
Truth Seeker: It looks like all Barisan MPs are not required to read a bill before it is passed. They are just told to raise their hands and say "Aye". No wonder people think it's easy to be a BN MP.
Smartvoter : We are all waiting for Najib Razak as the leader of the BN to have a public live telecast debate with Anwar as leader of the Pakatan Rakyat. Maybe the Bar Council can be the facilitator and moderator of the debate.
Onyourtoes: Lim Chee Wee, you are the president of the Malaysian Bar and you believed what our PM said in September.
You see, I am not as smart as you and can never aspire to hold the presidency of any professional organisation, but I have never believed what the PM said in September, or before that or subsequent to that or anything at all in the future.
Lim Chong Leong: The PM needs no urging to be steadfast and courageous. He knows what he is doing and he is wrong. And we need to show him.
Keepsmiling: How can we ever believe this PM? All his words are just words. He has never walked his talk at all. This is lip service at best.
Bar Council, please sue the government on behalf of the rakyat to save the country from these power corrupt politicians.
Court acquits 11 in 2000 Kesas highway protest
KJ John: Can the police or the attorney-general be charged with negligence and the lack of prima facie evidence for losing so many cases like this through careless and non-thorough work?
Borg Kinaulu 2000!: Justice delayed is justice denied.
Smallbigblob: What a sheer waste of time and money for the government, and hardship for 11 of the rakyat.
Who, and what next, after Najib?
Hang Babeuf: Democracy and voting are a funny business. You never know. That's the way it is supposed to be.
Nobody wanted or really expected a hung parliament in Britain, but they got one. Nobody wanted or expected one in Australia either. They got one there too.
Impossible in Malaysia? I think not. It may not happen, it may not be likely. But it sure could happen. Governments are made and undone on the floor of the House - the Dewan Rakyat. That, anyway, is how things are supposed to be - the recent Perak experience notwithstanding.
In a hung parliament, it becomes a question simply of who has confidence, who can muster and hold the support of a majority of those elected as the people's representatives.
For Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah), surely hope springs eternal.
VP Biden: Policies should be the determining factor on who leads the nation, not personalities. Malaysia will be stuck in a mid-life crisis where it is now if we don't move beyond idol worshipping to good policy implementation and execution.
If BN comes to power, we will be stuck in the same idol worship mode so pleasing to the Umnoristas. If Pakatan Rakyat comes to power, they have to showcase a lot of policies to keep the rakyat happy.
Anwar is not Pakatan and Pakatan is not Anwar.
Smartvoter: Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan have been administered by the new Pakatan government and these states are doing reasonably well, politically and economically, even though they are run by newly elected governments. This is despite that they have been sabotaged by the federal government constantly in many ways until now.
So there is no reason why we Malaysians are afraid to vote out BN and give Pakatan a chance to govern.
To my fellow Malays, the PM and most of the MBs of the states will still be Malay. The national and state monarchies will still be Malay. There is therefore no reason to fear or worry about the loss of Malay political power.
The only tactic Umno uses to survive politically is to scare the Malays on the alleged threat of the loss of Malay political power. I hope my fellow Malays have realised this and will not fall into that Umno trap.
It's very heartening to now see many new young intellectual, alternative-minded and progressive Malays who can think and analyse things critically.
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