FREE YOURSAY After claiming 'Allah' to be exclusive to Muslims, now they're claiming the word 'Islam', too? These NGOs are really insulting Islam.
NGO takes on Guan Eng over use of 'Islam'
Sudhagaran Stanley: What? After claiming that 'Allah' is exclusive to Muslims, now they are claiming 'Islam' is exclusively for them, too? Arshad Kassim is really insulting Islam by saying that Lim Guan Eng's use of the word Islam will cause confusion.
Confusion, perhaps, to you. And if you are so easily confused, then your faith is not strong.
Anonymous_3e68: Muslims do not have a copyright to the word ‘Islam’. The word is used daily in the international and local media and in conversation. Similarly the word ‘thambi’ may be used on any person of Indian descent, whether Hindu or one spouting a craggy beard under a dark head gear.
Arbee: A Muslim may be born of Muslim parents but is not necessarily a complete adherent to Islamic practices like solat, fasting, zakat and the haj. This is the type who makes the most noise on Islam whilst at the same time despite having inadequate knowledge of Islamic teachings, codes of conduct and practices.
Keturunan Malaysia: What heights of idiocy this particular group is capable of bringing themselves to. Islam cannot be confused, dirtied or corrupted. Only people like in these NGOs can, and indeed already, are.
Sandakan: People like Arshad Kassim are making Malaysia the laughing stock of Muslim majority nations. It would appear from what they say that we are the only Muslim-majority nation but whose Muslims are so simple-minded that they can be easily confused by non-Muslims.
The truth, of course, is those who claim so are opportunists and racists, and they do so for political reasons and self-interest. Islam has been abused by them for monetary gain and political power. Unfortunately, it is the poor and uneducated Muslims who are confused by these antics.
Sarajun Hoda: This Indian Muslim group is an insult to Islam. I am a Muslim and I feel insulted by these types of people who talk nonsense and bring a bad name to the religion. Why just a portfolio? I think the country should have Jabatan Agama Bukan Islam at the federal level. Islam can only regain its honour when we win the non-Muslims’ heart with love, not hatred, and not by insulting others.
Hindus, Buddhists and Christians spread love, why are only Muslims spreading hatred and terror?
Best PM Truly Malaysian 1st: The meaning of 1Malaysia means inclusiveness. If we have a ‘Muslim affairs’ portfolio, there is nothing wrong to have ‘non-Muslim’ affairs for completeness. These NGOs are merely trying to find fault and cause trouble.
During the first prime minister’s time, these troublemakers would have been put away for causing mischief. However, we have an ex-PM (the longest serving) who encourages this kind of people to show their racism openly. John Malott was right in his comments about racism in this country.
Hello: All ado about nothing. These NGO are all Umno-aligned and understandably, they need to make noise in order to stand out from the others, with the expectation of being rewarded financially or otherwise by their master.
They are trying to make it a standing issue that words connected with Islam/Muslims are taboo. And they are trying to prove that they are more Malay than the Malays? Perhaps they are imitating an ex-premier who is also of Indian origins?
Black Mamba: Penang Umno is relentlessly trying to chip away Lim Guan Eng’s government to create a collapse or a vacuum whereby they hope to walk in and take over control, as they did in Perak.
Disgusted: Arshad asks Lim if this is his country. What nonsense is he talkng about? This is as much Lim's country as it is Arshad's. Lim is a citizen of this country so why can't he be a CM of a state in his own country?
Lim is doing such a good job of administering Penang after it had been robbed, plundered and was wasting away under the corrupt BN administration. In fact Penang's gain is Malacca's loss. Lim has given his all to rectify all the havoc that BN has done in Penang and to put Penang once again on the world map as a prominent investment centre and tourist destination.
He is facing all kinds of obstacles put in his path by Umno/BN and its NGO partners to make life difficult for him, such as by stirring up racial tensions in Penang and putting the blame on Lim for all their (BN’s) atrocities and mischief.
Multi-Racial: What is happening to this country? Suddenly we have words exclusive to certain religions. We have NGOs involved in politics. And of course we have a group of people who will do anything to belittle the good work of the Pakatan government in Penang. Lim and team, you guys have done an excellent job. Syabas, we are proud of you guys.
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