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PAS may sue RTM over Memali clip
Published:  Feb 9, 2002 2:54 PM
Updated: Jan 29, 2008 10:21 AM

PAS today said it may take legal action against the Information ministry and RTM for airing the Memali incident clip since last month.

Party president Fadzil Noor said the partys legal bureau has been instructed to look into this possibility. How can RTM show the video clip on the Memali incident as the case is still pending before the court? he asked.

And before this, police have asked the people not to talk or discuss about the incident in public, Bernama quoted him as saying.

The opposition leader vowed to raise the issue in parliament next month, arguing that RTMs move to broadcast the clip would not contribute to national security and racial unity.

Instead, he added, the move would only serve to arouse the peoples hatred for the government.


During the 1985 Memali incident, 18 people, including four policemen were killed following a clash between villagers and the police.

The government claims the incident was triggered by a group of religious extremists who incited the people in Kampung Memali to hate and oppose the government.

Civil action


In an unrelated matter, Fadzil said PAS may take civil action against the police for using force when arresting 49 party supporters, including three party leaders, in Kedah recently

The group were arrested during a ceramah (public talk) at the partys office in Baling on Jan 31.

Bernama quoted Fadzil as saying there was no need for a police permit to hold a ceramah or peaceful gathering inside the compound of a party building.

The PAS leader claimed police used excessive force causing injuries to party members. Window lourves of the PAS building and a supporters house nearby were also smashed, he claimed.

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