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I refer to the Malaysiakini report Victory is mine, says Samy's challenger.

Both Samy Vellu and Muthupalaniappan and kidding themselves and seem to be engrossed in "making belief" and hoping against hope that the Indian community is still supporting them lock stock and barrel.

The truth, and everyone in Malaysia knows this, is MIC is history. Indian Malaysians do not need this one time off-shoot of the Indian Congress party to champion their cause. Simply because they never did anyway.

Take a look at the party, there are so many Indian professionals in Malaysia, respected professionals who would prefer to stay miles away from MIC than be associated with it or its dubious projects.

Look at the Telecom and Metrod share controversy and the very state of Maika which was incorporated with the hard-earned blood money of the Indians in Malaysia. Will any decent Malaysian, let alone an Indian Malaysian professional, ever want to be part of such horrendous schemes and be associated with such people?


Muthupalniappan and other MIC members who were in the party then and now cannot expect to convince Indian Malaysians that they will ever be different. They should have stood up to the leadership under the pain of dismissal from the party if they had ever wanted to be counted as credible politicians.

Indian Malaysians have decided to forget these race-based politics, they demonstrated this at the last elections, and in so doing, voted in more Indians into Parliament and the state assemblies than MIC ever had.

What has the MIC or anyone in the MIC done to address the great injustice of what happened to Hindraf and its long-suffering members? Why are they being treated like terrorists?

All Samy and MIC as a whole can do is appeal to Umno, and be hoodwinked into believing that they are equal partners in the ruling coalition.

These component BN members are a disgrace. Take Kayveas for example. He threatened to pull out, the prime minister told him that he was welcome to go, then complete silence. This is what BN partners are used to: being downtrodden and bullied.

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