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From Our Readers
What will it take to make them listen?

Nov 25, 2007 was the day that most Malaysian Indians took to the streets to vent out their frustration and disgust toward the uncaring attitude of the government.

People took to the streets, braving rowdy cops and FRU officers, got beaten, shouted at, sprayed with chemically treated water, arrested and eventually slapped with a RM1,000 fine. All this grief just because the BN and MIC failed spectacularly to discuss the issues plaguing the Indian community even after repeated calls by Hindraf.

As a result, Hindraf leaders are being held as supposed threats to the nation’s security under the draconian ISA.

Since that fateful day almost a year ago, BN has paid a price for all its follies. Notably, MIC and its leader Samy Vellu were rejected by Indian voters at the general elections. Samy was even threatened with slippers and brooms during campaigning.

Much has been happening in the country lately. Malaysians from all walks of life are unhappy with BN’s constant assertion that everything in the country is hunky-dory. Must we ,as a nation being penalised by the constant inefficiencies of BN, sit back and feel contended?


Must we vent out our frustrations by taking to the streets? Malaysians are a law abiding lot. But if we are pushed into a corner, we will retaliate. It is only natural. All we ask of the government is that it listens to the people.

We are unhappy with the arrogant attitudes of politicians. They are leading cushy lives, being driven around in luxury cars while we, the rakyat who put them in power in the first place, are suffering.

Believe me when I say we are finding the prospect of taking to the streets a very welcoming one. The only reason we are refraining from such drastic action is because we care about the peace in the country and would not want to jeopardise our future.


What is it that the BN and government fails to see? Can’t they notice that the people are becoming more and more disgusted with them and their arrogance? Can’t they see that we are noticing and watching every single false word, statement and promises that they have failed to keep?

Do they want us to take to the streets and then label us as threats to the nation? Are they blind to the anti-government sentiment on the streets? If they are, they only need to read some blogs to know that they no longer have the support of the people.

The results of the March general elections were loud. The result of the Permatang Pauh by-election was deafening. The racist remarks by Ahmad Ismail even prompted the ‘blind, deaf and dumb’ men of MCA and Gerakan to react. And now SAPP is pulling out of BN. If this is not a clear sign of internal problems in BN, I don’t know what is.

What will it take this government to see and listen to our grievances? Or is the present government so 'dead' that they do not care anymore? Please open your eyes, ears and heart to the people. Please feel our pain.

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