I refer to the Malaysiakini report Experts: Saiful's first medical report relevant.
I assume that the whole world is aware of the first medical report. According to the report, there is no evidence that Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan had been sodomised. The first report is very crucial for the case.
It should be a relief to his family, particularly his beautiful fiancee. Just as well for the rakyat will be clearer about the issue.
The police and the hospital did not say whether the report was genuine. As a credible police force, they should immediately verify whether the report is genuine.
But instead of verifying the report and seeing how the information would able to help in concluding the case, our professional police were making press statements that, `there are people trying to sabotage the case and trying to confuse` the public.
Why did not our mainstream media publish the medical report and inform all ‘naïve’ Malaysians that the medical report was not genuine?
We wonder why the police did not mention about the medical report when they already knew about it earlier?
Our great minister Syed Hamid Albar has already taken over the roles of the inspector-general of police and the chief justice. Indeed, he worked very hard to wrap the case as soon as possible.
I hope he will be awarded the highest award under Najib`s administration. While denying any government conspiracy, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said this:
"This man (Saiful) pleads for justice. We care about (Anwar) more than we care about this man? That is very odd. He needs justice; that is what he is crying for. We cannot ignore that."
Our prime minister should apply the same criteria to the murdered Mongolian beauty’s case too. Is she not crying out for justice?
Just like the whole family of the private detective P Balasubramaniam, the Hospital Pusrawi doctor has disappeared. Our professional police just ignore their whereabouts.
Our acting IGP Syed Hamid Albar and the PM never speak about this. Why?
‘Oh, no comment since police investigation are ongoing,’ they say. Our politicians are really very good actors. I hope, soon, Syed Hamid Albar and the PM they will given some prestigious Hollywood awards.
How strange it is as both the key figures in these two sensitive cases have mysteriously disappeared.
I sincerely hope that they are safe regardless of whether they have gone to an unknown destination for a ‘long vacation’. Of course, I do hope that they can show up when they are needed to give testimony and reveal the truth.
My humble request to Raja Petra Kamaruddin is this: Continue to speak the truth without any fear or favour. There is no other person than you to speak daringly to reveal the truth.
Let the Makkal Sakthi/People Power will finally bring the justice for our beloved country.
I hope every Malaysians will fight for the truth. Your action will very important for our future generations.