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I refer to the comment by Malaysian in the letters section ([#1] Mahathir and Anwar's true colours [/#], March 27). According to the writer, Dr Mahathir Mohamad is more worthy as a leader compared to Anwar Ibrahim because he chose to have his operation done in Malaysia rather than overseas.

I disagree with this kind of reasoning. I believe a person's patriotism is not measured by where he chooses to undergo surgery. Neither is it measured by where he obtains his higher education or whether he chooses to marry a foreign or local bride.

Patriotism is measured by one's willingness to sacrifice one's wealth or personal freedom to make Malaysia a better place for all Malaysians. Just like Nelson Mandela was willing to go to jail for a very long time because he envisioned his beloved country free of apartheid.

The choice of doctor is a personal right, just like whether you prefer nasi lemak or corn flakes for breakfast.

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