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I agree with Ibrahim Musa K's letter on the continued victory of the forthcoming general elections by BN due to the election rules, or rather misrules, on redrawing of constituencies boundaries, electorate weightage, postal votes, etc.

There are 220-plus parliamentary seats and assuming all the non-Malay voters votes for the opposition, the most they can win is about 20 plus seats. So what upset win by opposition or the so-called resultant political instability (May 13?) by the coming BN 's media blitz/propaganda during election we are talking about ?

That is why our de facto law minister is so confident when he talks about majority rule. He is referring to the masses of Malay voters who will continue to vote for BN.

So any meaningful outcome of the coming general elections will have to be decided by the Malay masses themselves. If they are not concerned about the issues of corruption, independence of judiciary, efficiency of government and are overbought by the brand of racial politics, then the status quo will continue for a long time to come until the racial politics of any form cannot work anymore among the Malay masses like what happened to Indonesia's Golkar party.

And looking at the present situation, only one person can expedite the change. He is none other than Anwar Ibrahim for he not only command the support of Malays, but also non-Malay alike. and forget about the past (even if the past record is unclean) for we can only meaningfully judge a man by his present acts. Just look at Mao Zedong - from a freedom fighter to the damage he has caused to China in his later rule.

But will Anwar be able to succeed against all the odds. It will be an uphill task but it is not impossible. History is full of surprises, just look at what happen to the collapse of the vast USSR empire, collapse of Berlin wall, emergence of Nelson Mandela, re-emergence of one freedom fighter in one Latin America country.

Human problems are basic, and they cut across race and even religion. Ultimately, we all need to eat, to survive, to breath clean air, drink clean water, have adequate shelters...

And that remain my hope and faith in this country!

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