LETTER | Our nation is backsliding into a dark abyss with constant and ceaseless politicking.
Everything and anything is open to this morale and vitality-sapping activity to gain power and influence for oneself or their parties.
Politicians of any ilk, colour and religion, even the has-beens, political influencers and NGOs are at it. There have been more “moves” in our political scene than Lionel Messi’s moves to bedazzle his opponents in winning the last World Cup.
Back-stabbing, one-upmanship and devious insinuations are common even amongst members of the same political party.
If they happen to have left the party - throw in venomous accusations, even personal and airing of some particularly dirty laundry and broken promises is a matter of course.
The opposition’s 3Rs have been withered down to 2Rs after royalty stood up to them and browbeat them down. However, the “moves” continue even after the king has stated categorically that he will not recognise and act on them.
These “moves” have so many names of different locations - we need to brush up on our geography.

Some in the opposition will play politics on any religious festivals in which they do not partake, and they even have the unpalatable gumption to politicise Malaysians’ favourite passion, food.
We venture into government buildings with knocking and trembling knees should we be in shorts or skirts as the knobby knees issue has never been settled.
And it provides political cannon fodder for some politicians who may be titillated to the knees.
How a minister gyrates and moves his pelvis in a public festive dance - what he eats or drinks is open season for political shenanigans.
Distorting family lineage and family trees bud-grafted to other family trees to allege ridiculous kinship and communist indoctrination and propagation is game on.
Size is always important to politicians and the size of the numbers of MPs and statutory declarations opposing the unity government is always bandied around in Malaysia's social media portals.
The numbers vary constantly, maybe because as an ex-politician pointed out recently, 80 percent of the ministers couldn’t count but it is always suspicious enough to bring down the incumbent government.

The unity government isn’t blameless either with politicking. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim stated he will ignore the Dubai Move and yet one of his subordinates has lodged a police report. Is this a proxy or personal report from the subordinate?
The PM's recent announcement of quoting religious verses sanctioned by a government-funded religious institution to civil servants points to over appeasement of one religious group over others. Sadly, he remained silent over the recent festive greeting on cakes.
Seizing multi-coloured watches alleging it may cause different sexual behaviours and books on communism seem to be playing to the zeitgeist tune of religious zealousness.
Despite being an election pledge to do away with, appointments of politicians and even relatives to high government posts and GLC still happen.
There are no sacred cows left where politicking cannot be smirched upon. Even our Federal Constitution is besieged for religious and racial mileage.
Apart from the royalty in exceptional circumstances, champions of the people for fair and responsible government whether individuals or NGOs are few and often muted.
There have been few solutions or alternatives from the printed and electronic media columnists who we looked to for solutions.
Up to the people now
It is up to us, concerned and wary citizens of a downward spiralling nation, in terms of morale, unity, tolerance and wealth, to stand up against politicking of any sort and from any quarter. We must call out any instances of divisive and extreme politicking.
Four years to go before the scheduled 16th general election and we must voice out our disgust and help thwart any more “moves”.
We must not be suckered into untruths and doublespeak of politicians and know their opinions and statements generally represent only themselves, their hardcore supporters and a minority.
Most people just want to get on with their lives and live in a happy, comfortable, safe and peaceful environment.
Our neighbours, colleagues, friends and relatives too want these same things, and we must be vigilant against any form of politicking polarising us.
It is a challenge we must all rise to ensure these things dear to us are maintained and passed on to our future generations.
The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.