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Support the right type of political fight

I refer to the malaysiakini report Samy to Anwar: You're the biggest liar .

We should support the right type of political fight. Let all the parties clearly state what they are fighting for, and the electorate judge and cast their vote.

PKR clearly states what they are for in terms of policies for non-bumis. What is MCA's stand? What is MIC stand? They will only talk about it behind closed doors? What is their political stand? In actual they have none! They follow blindly that of their master Umno.

In this respect, I am of the opinion that the Chinese and Indians should vote for PKR. We have long dreamed of equal rights to many basic needs ie, education, religion, infrastructure facilities etc. These should not be skewed towards the powerful group alone. It should be provided based on need.

The current political parties will not bat an eye to the biased practice of taking care of their own kind. They are using the excuse of taking care their own races. But if a biased mindset is accepted as normal, than the implication is obvious - they will take care of their own pockets, families and friends first. So if I can use my power to benefit a certain group, than why not my own cronies first?


When this practice is wildly practiced, it cannot look after everyone, even those within their own group, because the country's resources has its limits. On top of this, when people have, they tend to ask for more. Those sidelined will one day understand how other people feel. It is not a race issue, it is not a religion issue. It is just the wrong approach which has created injustice for the marginalised groups.

History has its own direction. The time will come, and it is here now. So let's join forces to change these wrong practices. Those in power should have the highest moral standard and try their best to implement policies to the maximum of a fair benchmark.

Who owns this land? Who loves this country more? Why play on racial sentiments? Just look at the figures which show who pays the most to the country today in terms of taxes. Not to mention other forms of contribution towards the economy in terms of creating jobs and boosting the economy.

Right thinking Malaysians, irrespective of our race and religion, should work harder together to make sure this country a better place. And we should also certainly support the right type of political fight.

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