The e-mail read:
'I want to bring a very serious issue to your attention. This has happened to three of our staff members in the last two weeks in Malaysia. The hi-jackers throw eggs at your vehicle, hoping that you then slow down and put your wipers on. Once you put your wipers on, you cannot see a thing. This is just what the hi-jackers want. They stand a few meters away, and once you have pulled over, they attack and take your car. Maybe even your life.
'In the event of this happening to you, just keep going. Open your window slightly, put your head out the window for vision, and just keep driving, until you are safe.
'P.S: Kindly forward to all you know. It may just save somebody's life.'
This is just one of thousands of e-mails being circulated in Singapore warning people about the crime situation in Malaysia.
Being a Malaysian, I am utterly disappointed with the crime situation in Malaysia. It's Visit Malaysia year and with these kind of e-mails being circulated, it's going to hurt tourism in Malaysia if the situation is not tackled soon.
After our prime minister announced the all-out war against crime, I do notice more police patrol cars on the road in Johor Baru but is this enough? I would like to suggest to our police chief that we must be proactive in looking for criminals before they commit crimes.
This can be done by having constant raids and checks in areas prone to high crimes rates. These areas can be easily identified and are a breeding ground for criminals and their gangs.