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I refer to the letter Turkey's action in Cyprus against int'l law by Michael Anastasiadis. Anastasiadis is wrong. No court has ever held Turkey's intervention in 1974 to be illegal. They had every right to intervene to save the Turkish Cypriots from the merciless attacks of the Greek

Cypriots, and should have done so eleven years earlier. They have every right to stay in Northern Cyprus until a settlement can be found, which will give the Turkish Cypriots some security.

Turkey agreed to a phased withdrawal of its army under the Annan Plan, which the Greek Cypriots rejected. Remember that the Annan Plan was accepted by the whole world - except the Greek Cypriots - as a fair settlement.

Like most Greek Cypriots, history for Anastasiadis begins in 1974, for they are ashamed to admit the wicked ethnic cleansing to which they subjected the Turkish Cypriots to in 1963, 1964, and 1967.

How can they have the nerve to talk, as they incessantly do, about human rights and legality, when in their treatment of the Turkish Cypriots they have shown utter contempt for the very meaning of law.

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