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I was glad to note from Saifulbahri Kamaruddin's letter that Anwar Ibrahim was no different from those in Umno and that he indicated that Anwar was like that and not is.

Ask most non-Malays and they have a story to tell, mostly adverse, about Anwar and his past activities, both in and out of the government. That is until all that happened in 1997 happened. There was a time when one of his race-based policies personally affected my career. That has always been BN politics, to pit the races against each other and leaders like Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Najib Razak are no exceptions.

However, I have always been a pragmatic person and have read Malaysian politics reasonably well. After the years behind bars on trumped-up charges, Anwar's advocacy of Malaysian politics is a breather in the thick, nauseating environment of our racially-charged politics. Oh yes, I have my doubts, as anyone would, on whether Anwar would walk the talk when the time comes as I have realised a long time ago that politicians are the least to be trusted.

However, look at those who comprise the ruling party and do we dare to pick among them one person who has the moral and standing to be a leader? Most of them are perceived as very corrupt.

Malaysians like me are fed up of the rampant corruption being re-cycled in the corridors of power with little or no effort to arrest the problem. When Pak Lah became the prime minister, he promised to clean up the mess, and he was given a mandate like never before. But no one believes him now.


It does not take a genius to recognise that if this country is to have some measure of success against corruption and racially-tainted politics, then it cannot be achieved through someone from within the BN - it has to be from the outside .

I accept the fact that all politicians are devils but I am willing to vote for the 'lesser devil'. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, whether Anwar will be what he claims to be when he forms the government, I wouldn't know, but after having placed my trust in a government that has taken me for a ride for so long, what more harm can happen in giving Anwar a chance?

My friends and I have always argued as to whom to support come every general election but, as of now, we are very clear and fully agreeable fully that this time all our vote is for Anwar.

Anyone looking at the present scenario in Malaysian politics would understand our reason(s). Can Anwar be better than the the BN poiticians or putting it another way, can anyone in BN be better that what Anwar can and will do?

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