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LETTER | KLSCAH launches multilingual portal to serve diversity

LETTEREstablished in 1923, and officially renamed in 2006 - from Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (SCAH) to the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) - the KLSCAH is now 97 years old, and will soon usher in a century.

With the arrival of the 100th birthday, KLSCAH will reflect on its past and look forward to its future. 

Continuing recent years of involvement and promotion efforts for diversity, KLSCAH officially launched a trilingual website on Dec 24, 2020. 

With its roots in Chinese communities, the organisation is further ready to defend and serve multilingual communities, and a future that highlights the importance of cross-ethnic collaborations. (Please refer here


The KLSCAH website was established in 1999. It is one of the earliest associations in Malaysia to set up an official website. During this period, it has experienced three significant network revisions. 

However, since the most recent revision in 2010, the existing Chinese-language website has long required an update.

The new official website has a revamp, unlike its predecessor. Due to the advancement of network technology and the drive for digital transformation within Chinese communities, these have given the push for changes to keep up with the development of current technological breakthroughs. 

KLSCAH has always especially been a voice for Chinese communities and defended the rights of citizens. In recent years, it has also actively driven the promotion of multi-ethnic efforts.

After months of discussion, re-planning and testing, KLSCAH officially launches the trilingual website on Dec 24 and carried out a redesign on the user interface (UI) and content structure of the old website. 

In continuation of service towards Chinese communities, KLSCAH hopes to expand its reach within non-Chinese communities, and even transnational communities. 

This allows different ethnicities to learn about KLSCAH in Chinese, Malay or English; of the organisation's establishment in 1923, its witness to the rise of Kuala Lumpur as the nation's capital, and going through thick and thin with developments of Chinese communities and the nation. 

Netizens of Malaysia will gain an understanding of the organisation's current developments and history, of KLSCAH and its main committees in their 97-year old historical stand together with the nation, through a convenient new user experience.

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