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All people are talking about who the next prime minister will be if Pak Lah resigns. Does it really matter if the PM is Pak Lah or Najib Razak or Dr Mahathir Mohamad?

Malaysians need to rethink their outlook and expectations. It does not matter who the PM is as long as he is honestly trying to do what the rakyat wants.

Dr M was the PM for 22 years. Did he do what the rakyat wanted? No, he did what he thought was good for the rakyat. The doctor knew what was best for his patients. While he did good things for the infrastructure and industrialisation of Malaysia, he also did a lot of things which were detrimental to the rakyat..

As for Pak Lah, he has proven to be a disappointment. The people of Malaysia must expect more from the leaders of the country especially the PM. We should have demanded Dr M do what the rakyat wanted.

We must demand that Pak Lah follows the wishes of the people of Malaysia. And we must demand the same of the next PM, whoever he may be.

Malaysians must have the guts to remove unresponsive leaders, whoever they are. No leader is too sacred to be booted out of office.

Then, perhaps, we will have a country that we can be truly proud of.

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