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Mahathir only cares about his own skin

While it is shocking that Dr Mahathir Mohamad's incomprehensible ranting about the current administration is affecting those on the the ground (but not the ones in the know), I would like to remind those who are watching in glee (hoping to gain from the going-ons) of the single act that epitomises Mahathir's rule by fear regime for the 22 years he was in power.

It was the day he decided to get rid of Anwar Ibrahim and shamelessly used his self-appointed judiciary to put Anwar away. But like Mandela, history is on the side of true justice.

What angers Mahathir most now was the overturning of Anwar's conviction after the former made way for Pak Lah. Coupled with the dismantling of Mahathir's grandiose projects which benefitted only his cronies, the camel's back was broken.

Mahathir cannot accept the fact that his 'legacy' is being eroded in favour of Malaysians. History will not be kind to him not only for the rampant and 'in-your-face corruption' and injustice which permeated his reign but also for the manner he is now conducting himself. A great statesman would never run down the administration he has handed over to his named successor.

What is also not known is that Mahathir unilaterally dismantled the trading of Clob shares on the Singapore stock exchange affecting the savings of hundreds of thousands of Malaysians who held shares in Clob (Central Limit Order Book). These are the same people who remit back valuable currency exchange back to Malaysia.

Mahathir only cares about his own skin. Doesn't he realise his legacy is already lost? Silly are the Umno members who think that by siding with Mahathir now, they are backing the winning horse.

Surely these people must have the intelligence to realise that it is to their definite detriment to do that? They are not only backing the wrong horse, but a very lame one at that.

Actually it is risible to read about Mahathir's complaints and ranting about corruption ad nauseum. He himself was the very epitome of all that he is now complaning about! Must Malaysia be subject to this infantile episode?

He is embarrassing not only himself, but also our beloved Malaysia's standing in the international community. Let's move on and not waste our time with this ridiculous nonsense or we will be the laughing stock of the world.

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