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From Our Readers
Pak Lah just like Nelson Mandela

I spent approximately three years in Malaysia and loved everything about your country; however I had some serious doubts about the government under Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

I am a South African that grew up under the previous evil and unjust apartheid regime. Not only were they oppressive but also very corrupt and hence my insight into your leaders' methodology that led to corrupt business practices being the norm.

I have met some young Malaysians that were completely brainwashed by the corrupt achievements of their parents that they reminded me so much of my country's past experiences. Lots of Malaysian companies make it an open fact that it is the norm to bribe somebody in government to win a tender or to become a supplier.

There also are many young Malaysian graduates (foreign-qualified) that are very bitter and resentful that they could not participate in your country's Multimedia Super Corridor project just because they were not 'connected'.

These students could have and still can achieve so much for Malaysian IT technology that can save the nation billions of dollars. This applies to many other industries as well.

I remember when your new prime minister took over, he took hold of the country's reins with humbleness and honesty as our own Madiba Nelson Mandela.

I hope and pray that the Malaysian people will support him so that he regain back the respect and honour so many of your businesses deserve.

I am positive that he will succeed and I am intending making Malaysia my second home soon. I love Malaysia and its people.

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