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LETTER | Dear Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,

We, the rakyat of Malaysia have been happily relishing the resounding victory of the new government since GE14 and waiting patiently for restoration and reformation to take effect as you and your team of cabinet ministers work tirelessly to undo and clean up the huge mess left behind by the previous government.

However, barely seven months into our new resolution, we suddenly find ourselves thrown into a lurch as the new government seems to have lost its sense of direction and its stand on virtues previously upheld such as integrity, justice, accountability and transparency.

It has become apparent to us how weak this government is by your succumbing to the temptation to enlarge Bersatu at the expense of your own integrity.

Of course, we are referring to your open arms in receiving back the rejects from Umno, the very rejects that we had deliberately voted out in GE14 solely for the reason that we, the rakyat of Malaysia, have had enough of their deceptive, corrupted and evil ways.


To say that we are utterly dismayed by your going back on your own word is an understatement of the year. Your acceptance of the Umno rejects into your fold again is giving us a loud signal that you condone lies, hypocrisy, deception and everything else that you have once adamantly stood against.

In other words, you are showing us that Bersatu is no different from Umno after all. You are seriously eroding public confidence in your sincerity to bring about real change and reformation to this nation that we so love.

You are making a mockery of democracy by overriding the rakyat's choice in GE14 where we have clearly indicated through the ballot box that we did not and still do not want any trace or smell of BN to be in the new government.

May we suggest that you lend your ears to the heartbeat of the rakyat first before you make any hasty decisions that might lead to regrettable consequences. The credibility of Pakatan Harapan is fast going down the drain and you are the key person upon whom the future of this nation rests.

All may seem well as long as you are around, but once you are no longer with us in this world, the Umno rejects will strike again - and there would be no stopping their selfish ends as this is the only thing they know how to do.

Will you be able to rest in peace leaving this nation in the hands of these evil-doers?

We pray that you are a man who honours his word and that God will bless you with longevity, if possible, even up to 120 years old because the nation now needs you more than ever before.

May God grant you wisdom and discernment to rule this nation and make every Malaysian's aspiration of reformation and transformation come to fruition.

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