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Malaysia must put a stop to legalised paedophilia

LETTER | The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) is troubled that possible paedophilia activity in Malaysia can be legalised where there is a marriage between an adult and child, with the consent of a Syariah Court judge or state chief minister or minister, further encouraging sexual violence against children.

We are concerned that at present, religious justifications supported by law may be used to provide cover for paedophiles and child sexual predators who marry the children/ victims.

Not enough has been done to end child marriages in Malaysia, and Suhakam believes zero tolerance of child marriage must be enforced at every level of society.

Suhakam calls on Syariah Court judges and authorities who continue to consent to child marriage to stop doing so and must be held accountable for perpetuating this egregious practice.

There is no justification to child marriage and stands firm that where religious practices are concerned, they must not supersede the fundamental rights of a child; the best interest of the child must still prevail.


The new government must take a principled position on this issue and to keep to its election promise (Commitment 4: Special commitments for women) to all Malaysians to set the legal minimum age of marriage to 18 for all persons.

Suhakam stresses that ending child marriage by 2030 is also among the targets set out in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that Malaysia has committed to.

In the meantime, Suhakam recommends that the government and state religious bodies including the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) take active steps to inform the public about the detriments associated with underage marriages, with the authorities, particularly the Women’s Affairs and Welfare Ministry to respond more diligently to the issue.

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