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Members of the Election Commission must resign

LETTER | Bebas notes with shock and disgust at the recent revelation and admission by the Election Commission that it based the redelineation of constituency boundaries along racial lines.

It is disappointing that after 61 years since Independence, bodies that are entrusted to help with the ongoing work of nation-building and strengthening of democratic institutions continue to be dominated and compromised by the disease of race-based politics.

Despite the multi-ethnic composition of the Election Commission, the fact that this was permitted to happen is a disappointment and shock for most Malaysians.

The realising of the aspirations, values and ideals of a united and shared nation, as articulated in the Federal Constitution and the preamble of the Rukunegara, is dependent on citizens being assured that their right to vote and participate in the democratic process, are assured and equal to one another.

Demarcation of constituencies and clumping of communities according to racial lines compromises that principle and will lead to the continuation of race-based policies and politicking. It pits ethnic groups against each other, in the belief that progress and development can only come at the expense of others. History and our own bitter experience have proven this approach to be harmful, divisive, regressive and contrary to the ideals of our country. It is wrong and must be halted.

Constituencies which have a reasonable mixed ethnic or racial composition are the way forward. It encourages the development of policies which are needs-based and promotes equal and equitable approaches that benefit all, rather than just some races or ethnicity. The fact that the EC sees mixed ethnic constituencies as a hindrance and not in the voters' interest, is alarming.

Based on this recent startling admission by the EC chairperson Mohd Hashim Abdullah, Bebas believes that the current members of the Election Commission can no longer be entrusted with the duty and mandate as custodian of free and fair elections as they no longer enjoy the Malaysian public's confidence.

They must all step down.

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