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Football legend Arthur Koh dies

Nothing has been said about Arthur Koh. I was nine years old when I first heard his name. He was a football legend and played together with the likes of Sexton Louis, Abdul Ghani Minhat, Abdullah Noordin, Stanley Gabrielle, Ng Boon Bee. Yes, Boon Bee started as a footballer, and so many others during what was really the most glorious part of Malaysian football.

We used to be in the finals of every Merdeka Tournament, at that time the unofficial Asian championship, and it was against  Korea most of the time. He was a Selangor state player and that team was at its best, too, during those days.

I was shocked to see his obituary in the papers yesterday. Apparently, all his good works have not been remembered.

Players like Arthur Koh bought their own football boots with their own money to represent their state and country. In those days, representing state and country was an honour and they treasured it. We have to treasure their memories for our next generations so that Malaysians will not be led into the greed of financial gain when it comes to the interest of the nation.

Arthur Koh, requiescat in pace. I never got to see you, neither did I realise you were a parishioner of the Holy Rosary Church, a place I used to go for mass when I was a kid.

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