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Port Dickson a glaring failure

Port Dickson is the symbol of all that’s wrong with Malaysia. Full of potential due to its natural beauty and wealth, but never fulfilling its potential due to politics and corruption.

As such Deputy Prime Minister Muyhiddin Yassin’s message yesterday reveals that BN has never been able to uplift Port Dickson into a holiday haven for Kuala Lumpur residents.

“We will continue with efforts to bring development because Bagan Pinang is a strategic area, a major portion of it is Port Dickson itself, which has vast potential. So we will develop it for tourism and commerce so that it will become more progressive,” he said.

Port Dickson, being so close to Kuala Lumpur, would have been the favourite destination of many but yet many stay clear of it because of the lack of facilities and also because the beaches are not clean.

Drainage still leads into the sea bringing along household waste and grease and other unwanted debris.

Land development and hotel-building are haphazard and unplanned. Unsightly abandoned buildings are plentiful and as such, flies and mosquitoes are in abundance. The place is wanting of a good spring-clean. It is such a waste of resources. This is exactly what the case is with our entire nation.

I hope this election in Bagan Pinang will seek to remove the old order, which represents waste and corruption. Slowly we will chip away all that is wrong with this nation and put in place proper governance.

This is our chance and it lies with the people of Bagan Pinang. To the soldiers representing postal votes, please spoil your votes if you are unable to vote freely so that the true residents of the area will get the representative of their choice.

Hidup rakyat!

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