Almost impossible to get 'empty shot' of vaccine, says S'gor health director
That would be the case if procedures in place are followed, says Dr Sha'ari Ngadiman.
4 years ago
Khairy: Underdosing only rare incidents, those with proof can come forward
CITF also denies allegation non-Muslims denied Pfizer vaccine at Desa Tasik vaccine centre.
Hariz Mohd
4 years ago
SOPs improved but vaccine underdosing questions still linger
This comes despite the govt having changed its vaccination procedures to address the underdose allegations.
Koh Jun Lin
4 years ago
APHM president: More observers the best way to prevent 'underdosing' errors
We must face the fact that human errors can occur in the administration of vaccines, says Dr Kuljit Singh.
Martin Vengadesan
4 years ago
Four days after 'underdose', Anoogrehan gets full AstraZeneca jab
BP Healthcare reviewed his complaints and he was re-vaccinated yesterday.
4 years ago
New rule: Medical personnel told to show recipients Covid-19 vaccine syringe
This comes after complaints that some medical personnel had drawn an erroneous amount leading to underdosing.
Alyaa Alhadjri
4 years ago
Another ‘underdosed’ AstraZeneca recipient gets top-up shot
Minister's aide says an official comment on the matter is expected early next week.
Annabelle Lee
4 years ago
Vaccine recipient claims reduced dosage given, CITF investigates
This after he notices something amiss upon viewing the video of his jab at home.
Koh Jun Lin
4 years ago