Royal pardon for inmate who earned PhD behind bars
Murad shows remarkable determination to pursue and complete education.
3 months ago
COMMENT | Is our academia going 'kangkong'?
Only way out is returning to meritocracy in varsity teaching staff hiring and student selection.
Murale Pillai
6 months ago
COMMENT | The wonders of continuous learning by ex-PM in prison
What topic will Najib choose for his PhD thesis?
Murale Pillai
a year ago
LETTER | 'Kangkung' professors and PhDs
Vetting candidates not enough to ensure varsities produce credible PhD holders.
Teh Yik Koon
a year ago
Scholar behind bars: Najib pursues PhD in economics sans internet
Saifuddin says it will be in accordance with standard operating procedure.
2 years ago
MOHE to leave alleged stolen PhD research case to UM, police - minister
'UM has its own autonomy,' says Noraini.
3 years ago
Postgraduate studies: Is it worth pursuing a PhD?
Enrolling in a postgraduate program is a significant step. Therefore, it makes sense to seek assurance that you’re making the right decision when you’re considering such a substantial move.
3 years ago