national language
COMMENT | Why not jail or fine anyone who doesn't speak BM?
Weaponising our language is an extension of the agendas of extremists.
S Thayaparan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Of chopsticks and being Malaysian
We should never be defined by how we speak, dress or eat.
Syahredzan Johan
3 years ago
COMMENT | Are Rais and Nazri barking up the wrong tree?
Are these two politicians playing language politics?
Andrew Sia
3 years ago
Juwairiya apologises over PKR signboard in Bengali
Signboards spark dissatisfaction among party members.
3 years ago
'Bangladeshis speak better BM' - Bersatu Youth wants vernacular schools abolished
Information chief says non-Malay students still unable to speak national language.
3 years ago
Patani Malay pilot project shows linguistic experts the way forward
Thai project shows that starting schooling in the mother tongue has better results than 'imposing' a national language.
Martin Vengadesan
5 years ago
Its time to focus on unity, not some writing on the wall
COMMENT | Diversity in race and religion should be celebrated and not vilified.
6 years ago