No lessons on first week of new academic year 2023/2024
First week will be focused on instilling good values – Education Ministry.
2 years ago
YOURSAY | Lessons should be on all beliefs, not just one
'Studying Mandarin and understanding Islam are two different issues.'
2 years ago
COMMENT | Malaysia is getting better
Democracy is alive and well in Malaysia - everyone can play a part.
Ding Jo-Ann
2 years ago
COMMENT | Covid-19: Nothing to learn from East Asia?
South Korea was the first country to dramatically reduce the number of Covid-19 cases and related deaths...
Jomo Kwame Sundaram
4 years ago
Urgent lessons from Indonesia for Malaysia
LETTER | For us here in Malaysia, where race and religion are being played to the gallery each passing day.
J D Lovrenciear
5 years ago
What M'sia can learn from the Indonesian riots
LETTER | Malaysians shouldn't be looking at Indonesia as a foreign event.
Khairul Azwan Harun
6 years ago